still in community quarantine

*GCQ dates with ze husband, embracing the new normal 

With the entire metro & CALABARZON under General Community Quarantine again for economic reasons I’m with the government but the thought of returning to normal despite the surge of cases over the past weeks I’m afraid the government is making a wrong turn again; it’s another story which I can’t agree. And whoever says that PH has flattened the curve, I wonder where you got your statistics, Sir? And a casual apology after? Maybe it’s really high time that these government officials a.k.a. the president’s minions leave their jobs and go somewhere else. Mars, maybe?

*to alleviate stress and other nega vibes, i set up a small café at home (for family use)

*and online shopping is emptying my pocket hard 😛

Anyhow, COVID-19 would not go away like that and that all we must do is to live within the new normal. It’s quite a bore really and to be honest it’s annoying me bit by bit and the fact that it’s long term consequence may affect my life, work and sanity –I’m trying to be more optimistic and rational at the same time. I really hope I’m doing the work-life balance right and that I’m living a healthier and more productive lifestyle at this point.

*a short visit at the workplace with 2 of my masisipag girls

Although everything seems in order now, let’s not discard the idea that the worry end and discomfort of these life changing events might be like what happened to the TV giant. Cutting of cost would mean people and resources –very unfortunate while this pandemic is happening but then again, we have to take both sides of the employer and employees. While my employer’s issue may differ, it won’t make any difference once someone becomes redundant. And it would pose a great challenge for me to weigh things and let go. I’m praying that it would not happen, not to my team of course. I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news. Consequently, I hope my team realizes how lucky they are to enjoy a full employment even after the company’s ordeal of low revenue.

*not really related to any but i’m thankful for Sunday lunches at home

And while everyone else’s concern now is to retain a living so they can bring food to their table and roof to their heads, I think it’s high time to review your morals pronto. I will not drop it word by word so listen and read between the lines. Administrative Investigation. Decency. Really, I don’t care how you live or whatever creed you preach and I won’t spare you of anything so don’t take the liberty of gambling what you only have. Try to summon up your actions. I’m a million times better, far ahead of you and I don’t need to prove my worth to anyone. I’m not desperate and miserable like you.

Now, make better when you attempt to do another sadfishing story in social media. The sad truth about you –you don’t make any sense so just watch me get ahead or I’ll watch you fall flat.

Baked Sushi by yours truly! recipe by papa Erwan 😛 because i can 😀

Excuse my weekend drama hehehe. I’m just excited to fire up another delicious offering –belting the hype soon!



P.S. edits later, i’m off now…


in memory of Tatay

As I write in my home desk today the sun is beginning to set west already and tho we’re not yet entering the “ber” months the wind is colder and I love how it gently blows my curtains. By the way, the mornings are even colder now at 22° that’s why it’s hard to get up by 6am and make breakfast.

Tomorrow will be my 5th month of working from home, I miss the work environment in GH and all the brouhaha of the workplace. But the fact that the wfh arrangement is a safer alternative, I feel lucky enough for the opportunity. That despite the company’s low revenue for two quarter now, I salute the management for keeping all employees (complete with supply of Vit C and face mask). Thank you po and let’s all continue to pray for healing and protection.

Tomorrow also is Tatay’s 5th death anniversary. It was that fast and a lot had happened, it was like a scary roller coaster ride that I wouldn’t want to go over again. If I have a choice to rewind, I would go back to 2014. I thought so life was so much easier for me then, it’s forgiving, it’s care-free, I was living my 40’s right. And if 2015 was skipped, would Tatay stay and live? Maybe, maybe I wish him badly alive because I feel sorry that he didn’t get to enjoy his retirement –he didn’t get to enjoy so many things that he so deserved.

my forever childhood Santa ♥♥♥

Tay, as we commemorate your death again may you continue to be our guidance and light. May we always carry in our hearts the reason to forgive and love more, may we always choose to be better and be the bigger person whenever the situation calls for it. Tay, I miss you and I’m forever thankful. ♥

I feel a flash of grief so intense it almost makes me cry; not for what I lost, but for the chances I missed  –Lauren Oliver