holy week thoughts

Closed another quarter at work today, and in a few days, March will officially end. And before we know it, we’re welcoming April already. Summer and all its bloom. But before that, the Holy Week came earlier this year. Ash Wednesday coincides with Valentine’s Day and I spent it with my GOTO friends.

We visited Estre, brought snacks so we can partly celebrate V-day with her. That visit was actually a crushing one, I was holding my tears the entire time we were there. Estre, as you know, has been battling the big C for years now, she had been going on treatments until early last year she decided to stop with chemo’s. She felt really tired of it and decided to take a different approach. However, mid of last year her health really started to decline. She was in and out of MMC until she was placed under comfort care. Her doctors don’t want to give her certainties as to how long she still has. The reason why is that we also believe she can still come back strong one of these days. But like I said, that visit was too heavy. It was the first time to see her in so much pain, teary-eyed as she silently wished death. And honestly, I prayed the same that moment. If it’s really God’s will, I prayed that her suffering would end. Nakakadurog ng puso to see a very jolly and strong person go through this. We left her house all feeling blue.

Ash Wednesday mass with our heart clips

Valentine’s dinner at LieSil’s Restaurant & Events

We went to Ash Wednesday mass right after and later on had dinner to lighten the mood. Little did I know, I wasn’t really alone feeling all the emotions because even the least emotive person in the group was moved. I didn’t sleep well that night because Estre was really on my thoughts. Two weeks later, we went back to see her again and she was totally in a different state. I saw how her eyes lit up seeing us again. Alam mo un feeling na, how can you let go of someone when that person keeps on fighting. And with God’s miracle nothing is really impossible. I always tell her to pray and pray. Last week we were able to see her again and she was even tougher this time. I’m still praying for her, always.

As we commemorate Lent and all the sacrifices of Jesus for our sins, may all of us do penance. It’s not very hard to give up something for a while, it doesn’t feel bad either to share something to the needy and lastly, praying won’t take too much of your time. On Easter, as Jesus miraculously rose again I pray for Estre’s miracle. 

Ilocos, Holy Week 2023

Anyhow, tomorrow is the start of the Holy Week break. We have no definite plans for the next two days. We skipped Ilocos after our “Carmaggedon” adventure last year. We’re supposed to have a modest picnic with the GOTO people but something came up so we cancelled it. Truth is, sometimes those cancellations are a blessing in disguise because that means I can stay late in bed without worrying about the time and commitments. I can run errands. I can sit for hours doing nothing. Let’s see how it goes tomorrow. For now, let’s snuggle down in a nice and comfy bed. Goodnight folks!